Various Aspects of the all-inclusive Christ

The following are various aspects of the all-inclusive Christ seen in several books of the New Testament.


  1. The King-1:1,16-17;21:4-7,9
  2. The Baptizer-3:11
  3. The Light-4:16
  4. The Teacher-5:2;23:8
  5. The Forgiver-9:6
  6. The Physician-9:12
  7. The Bridegroom-9:15
  8. The new cloth-9:16
  9. The new wine-9:17
  10. The Shepherd-9:36
  11. The Lord of the harvest-9:38
  12. The Friend-11:19
  13. The wisdom-11:19
  14. The rest-11:28
  15. The real David-12:3
  16. Something greater than the temple-12:6
  17. The Lord of the Sabbath-12:8
  18. Something more than Jonah-12:41
  19. Something more than Solomon-12:42
  20. The Sower-13:3
  21. The Seed-13:4
  22. The Feeder-14:16-20
  23. The Bread-14:20
  24. The children’s bread-15:26
  25. The crumbs under the table-15:27
  26. The Christ-16:16,20
  27. The Son of the living God-16:16,20
  28. The rock for the church-16:18
  29. The Builder of the church-16:18
  30. The Founder of the kingdom-16:19
  31. The present Moses-17:3
  32. The present Elijah-17:3
  33. The Head of the corner-21:42
  34. The Lord-22:44-45
  35. The resurrected One-28:6
  36. The One with all authority-28:18
  37. The ever-present One to His people in resurrection-28:20


1 Corinthians




The Godhead | The Divine economy | Creation | Incarnation
Human living | Crucifixion | Salvation | Resurrection
Ascension | His Return | The Millennial Kingdom
Eternity in the New Jerusalem | Hymn | Various Aspects