His Return As the all-inclusive One who cares for all mankind, Christ in His second coming will return in three aspects: as a Judge to the Gentiles, the unbelievers, (Acts 17:31), as a Savior to Israel (Rom. 11:26), and as the Bridegroom to the church (Matt. 25:1). In His return Christ will come as a Judge to the Gentiles, the non-Jewish unbelievers (Acts 17:31). He will judge the living unbelievers before the millennial kingdomHis 1,000 year kingdom at the end of this ageand He will judge the dead after the millennial kingdom (Matt. 25:31-46; Rev. 20:11-15; Acts 10:42). Through such a righteous judgment, Gods justice will be executed and all men will receive a righteous recompense according to their living and work (Witness Lee, Conclusion, 352-354).
Christ will also return as the Bridegroom to the church (Matt. 25:1). The Bible reveals the universal coupleThe Bridegroom, Christ with His bride, the aggregate of Gods redeemed and regenerated believers. As the Bridegroom, Christ is the most pleasant and attractive person in the universe. At His return we will not only worship Him as our Creator and God, but will also love Him sweetly as our Bridegroom. (Witness Lee, Conclusion, 351-352) The believers' experience of Christs second coming will vary according to their spiritual condition. The overcoming Christiansthose faithful to follow Him during the church agewill experience Christ as the morning star (Rev. 22:16), which appears in the darkest hour just prior to the dawn. At His first coming only the seeking wise men, not the religious traditionalists, were rewarded with seeing His star (Matt. 2:2, 9-10). Likewise, at His second coming He will be the morning star to those who watch for Him. All the others who are not eagerly anticipating Him will see only His appearing in a general way, as the sun (Mal. 4:2). May we be those who, loving His appearing (2 Tim. 4:8), look for His return, those who will greet Him as the morning star. (Witness Lee, Conclusion, 350-351)
In His return Christ will also be the Savior to Israel (Rom. 11:26). Because of their unbelief and rejection, Christ forsook Israel at His first coming (Matt. 23:37-39). Nevertheless, He will return at the end of this age to visit Israel as their Savior. At that time God will pour upon them the Spirit of grace and supplication (Witness Lee, Conclusion, 352). As a result, Israel will turn to Christ and mourn for Him (Zech. 12:10) and will be saved (Rom. 11:26). Having seen all the wonderful aspects of Christ at His return, may we echo the prayer of the apostle John, Come, Lord Jesus! (Rev. 22:20).
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